Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Eve of Launch Message
We are now extremely close to the early access release of Assassin's Creed Odyssey! We would like to take this opportunity to thank our loyal fanbase, who have followed our coverage of the game since its reveal at E3. We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome our new members, who we hope are enjoying their time in the Assassin's Creed Community!
Although Assassin's Creed Odyssey was a very unusual direction for the brand to take, we believe that fans will fall in love with the wonders of the ancient world, and consider the game to be a worthy sequel to AC Origins, and an excellent addition to the franchise.
During the promotional campaign for Assassin's Creed Odyssey, we strived to provide regular giveaways for the community, and will continue to do so after its launch. We are currently giving away a variety of Assassin's Creed items, kindly donated by Ubisoft Montreal! As many of you will soon be receiving your ACO merchandise and editions of the game in the mail, we decided that a community project was the best way in order to select winners. Simply record a short unboxing video, and send it to Theoneswhocamebefore@googlemail.com. We look forward to seeing your reactions!
Whoever you choose to play as, we want to hear about your AC Odyssey experience! Feel free to contact us with your screenshots, stories & questions!
We hope that you have a fantastic experience playing the game, and thank you all for following the rules as we enter our annual 'lockdown mode', in order to prevent spoilers.
We can't wait to explore Ancient Greece, and hope that you guys have a great time playing!
- TOWCB Admin Team

About the Author
Col is one of the UK's leading Assassin's Creed Community members, and is best known for establishing both 'The Ones Who Came Before' fan community and 'Isu_Network' content creation program.
As Team Leader for The Ones Who Came Before, Col was officially recognised by Ubisoft, becoming one the UK Assassin's Creed community ambassadors in 2016. He has attended many events after spending a decade in the AC Community, and has worked on countless projects, all of which you can find here on TOWCB website.
He is also a former Ubisoft Star Player and member of The Mentors Guild, two recognisable community programs which opened doors and took his status within the AC Community to the next level.
Colum Blackett (Col_96)