How the Community Celebrated
AC Day 2019
December 21st is an important day in the Assassin’s Creed community. It was the day a solar flare was due to engulf the planet. It was the day Desmond Miles sacrificed himself to save the world. It was the day Juno was released into The Grey. And, of course, outside the AC universe, it was the day the Assassin’s Creed movie was released in the United States. It is a big day for fans of the franchise – affectionally dubbed ‘AC Day’ – and fans all over the world have been celebrating in their own ways. In this article, we will take a look at how the community embraced #ACDay 2019.

Image by The Mentor's Guild
The official Assassin’s Creed Twitter account kicked off the celebrations with a tweet asking the fandom for their favourite in-game moment of all time. The responses were varied. Twitter user @DCourteneySmith said his favourite moment was “Spartan kicking anything in Odyssey” whilst @LRidgeway14 said his was “everything Ezio has ever done”. Anouk Bachman, a member of the Assassin’s Creed marketing team, said her favourite was the ending of Black Flag, where Anne Bonny sings The Parting Glass. Other popular choices were Ezio and Federico’s scene on the roof just before the titles of ACII, Connor sharing a drink with Charles Lee before stabbing him in ACIII, and Bayek and Aya’s final scene on the beach at the end of Origins. However, the scene that appeared most in the replies was the scene where Ezio found Altair’s body in the library at the end of Revelations. With so many fantastic moments to choose from, it’s not surprising that the fans all have different opinions on which is the best.

Other fans took the opportunity to use AC Day to raise money for charity. Twitter user @Blutkatze raised $720 for Child’s Play, a charity which seeks to improve the lives of children in pediatric hospitals through the power of play, through her #ACRaceforCharity which saw her play AC Origins on Twitch and give prizes to fans.
Loomer, host of the Assassin’s Den Podcast, admitted that he did not make anything in honour of AC Day – but he did share a very cute photo of his cat, Aya – the Kitten One.
Many of the AC fan pages celebrated with competitions and giveaways. Here at The Ones Who Came Before, fans had the chance to win one of five Assassin’s Creed prints courtesy of @katx_404 on Twitter.
Access the Animus hosted a giveaway with prizes including 3 copies of The Rebel Collection for the Nintendo Switch, 2 copies of AC Odyssey, 5 Odyssey Season Passes, and 7 copies of the Odyssey novelisation. ATA also shared a review and analysis of chapter 2 of the AC China Manga.

Image by Access the Animus
The Mentor’s Guild declared a MEGA giveaway, including 5 copies of Odyssey, 5 Odyssey Season Passes, an Alexios statue, and 5 copies of The Rebel Collection. To win in this competition, the Mentor’s Guild asked what setting fans wanted to see in the next game. Responses varied from Central America during the Mayan era, Japanese Samurai era, Germany, Russia during the time of Rasputin, China, Ireland, Ancient Rome, and Medieval England.
The cosplay community were embracing AC Day too. @bluemarinvo on Twitter shared her impressive Persephone cosplay, @KeiraSera520, @EvilCleverDog and @jesskerrcosplay posted photos of their respective Kassandra cosplays, and @Shiva_Abarai shared a collage of all her AC cosplays to date – which are really mounting up!
Others were sharing their own AC Day inspired art, like @adriennczene who shared her painting of Desmond Miles, @kotorimitz who posted his festive Ezio and Leonardo comic strip, @riicemochii who gave us a picture of Ezio perched on a building, and @bbsketches who shared a collection of AC artwork from several different AC titles. @MlleBellec also created a new tribute video titled ‘Bloodlines’ to honour the occasion.
All in all, it has been another incredible AC Day, bringing the fandom together and allowing them to share their creations, their passion, and their memories from twelve years of Assassin’s Creed. With so much to look forward to in 2020 in the world of Assassin’s Creed, who knows where the franchise will take us next. One thing is for sure, though. Wherever the Brotherhood goes, the fans will always follow with love in their hearts and a blade on their wrists.
About the Author
Lauren is a online article writer who joined the program in 2019, which allowed for her work to be viewed by a larger audience.
She is especially interested in Assassin's Creed lore, and wrote a number of thought provoking articles which you can find here in the Community HUB.
Lauren left the program in 2021 shortly after the 'Assassin's Creed Infinity' announcement, which understandably left many fans feeling uneasy. We wish her the best of luck with her future projects.
Lauren Harris