This Week in Assassin’s Creed Virtual Photography: 04th to 10th September
Welcome to the weekly virtual photography roundup hosted by Aaron Young from The AC Partnership Program.
Every week I will be picking our top 5 favourite Assassin’s Creed shots and showcasing them on The Ones
Who Came Before website, in order to promote virtual photography and talented content creators within the community.
Aaron is a keen virtual photographer and loves to post his journeys through Assassin’s Creed on Twitter.
Keep an eye on the site as more weekly shots are added, we are looking for captures across all Assassin’s Creed games. Tag your photos to the #TOWCBWeeklyCapture for a chance to be featured.
This week’s theme: AC Land
A New Hope
Game: Assassin’s Creed Origins
VP Artist: @astroghost001
“Who’s the more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him”
Egypt is a place of wonder and every time I return to Origin’s I am blown away by the beauty of the game. Playing as a Medjay turned Hidden One scouring the lands in search of The Order is so much fun, and I cannot thank Ubisoft enough for adding a photo mode to this entry. This capture is giving off real Star Wars vibes, in fact it could have easily been take in the new game. Absolutely love the framing for this shot, and that delightful shadow cast over the sand is sublime. Nice touch to have Bayek riding his horse through the middle. I am sure there is a similar shot to this in the Origins art book.
Game: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
VP Artist: @kristina_m0509
“The truth of a man lies not in the land of his birth but in his heart”
Set just before the events of 878 AD, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla allows you to play as a Viking called Eivor as you travel across England in search of glory. You can raid and form political alliance in your quest to uncover your destiny. Despite this the world around you is stunning and ripe to capture using the photo mode. This shot from Kristina perfectly shows this with its astonishing depiction of the English landscape. The colours are a representation of autumn, and the mix of terrane beautiful. I adore the sunlight reflecting from the water and the raven hovering in the sky.
The Land is my Church
Game: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
VP Artist: @KeenEyeVP
“God created everything that surrounds me. The land is my church, and I pray each day Lord.”
What I love about the Assassin’s Creed series is its ability to explore history, and Christianity has been a big factor right from the first game. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is able to show both Pagan and Christian ways but also delves into the Isu side of things. This impressive capture symbolises the time period and the change from Roman to Saxon. I love the scope of the shot, the bird’s eye view is phenomenal. You can see that the Cathedral is the focal point and everything else surrounds it. Absolutely stunning colours and views across England.
Game: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
VP Artist: @tn_taurus
“I have seen too many people die. I have walked from one end of the earth to the other”
We now know that Kassandra has spent many years traveling around protecting civilisation from destruction. This burden would have been heavy and her time spent in the Greek Island probably felt like a lifetime ago. This capture is of Sparta and the wonderful views that surround it. This beautiful shot encompasses everything Odyssey set out to do in terms of world building. You cannot deny these vista are spectacular. Nice choice to return to Kassandra’s home, the landscape looks so inviting and that sea apt for exploring.
Snow Capped
Game: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
VP Artist: @cop_filip
“Someone, I tell you, in another time will remember us”
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey has a wide range of breath-taking landscape to behold. The White Crystal Hills, the statue of Zeus, and the snow mountains of Taygetos, to name a few. The Makedonia Mountain in this awe inspiring shot from Filip looks just like the aforementioned snowy mountains. The framing of this capture is flawless with the autumnal trees acting as a boarder to the gorgeous snow-capped mountain. The river flowing through the middle of the forest is mesmerising as it snakes up towards the mountain. The colour tones could not be any more perfect and the shot in general looks just like a painting.
The Ones Who Came Before Photo of the Week
Judge: @KaiVirtualPhoto
''This capture perfectly showcases the beauty of the Greek world as it was built in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I love how the golden trees and the river guide my eyes through the foreground all the way to the snowy mountains and the cloudy sky in the background. The composition is magnificent. Looking at this shot feels like staring at a very peaceful painting. Without doubt this picture deserves to be shot of the week. ''

And that sums it up for this week’s Assassin’s Creed virtual photography recap list!
Thank you for checking out this week’s photo collection. This would not be possible without the virtual photographers out there so a huge thanks to them. Until next week keep those shots coming in!
About the Author
Aaron is a passionate Assassin's Creed fan who joined our AC Partnership Program as an Online Article Writer back in 2021 after the release of Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
After building momentum and interest on TOWCB website for Virtual Photography, Aaron established TOWCB Virtual Photography Team, of which he is now Team Leader. Throughout 2024, TOWCB VP Team will be sharing community captures in dedicated articles, and providing a positive environment on Twitter for gamers to share their shots.
Aaron Young