This Week in Assassin's Creed Virtual Photography: 7th - 13th May 2022
Welcome to the new weekly virtual photography roundup hosted by Aaron Young from The AC Partnership Program.
Every week, we will be picking our top 5 favourite Assassin’s Creed shots and showcasing them on The Ones Who Came Before website, in order to promote virtual photography and talented content creators within the community.
Aaron is a keen virtual photographer and loves to post his journeys through Assassin’s Creed on Twitter.
Keep an eye on the site as more weekly shots are added, we are looking for capture across all Assassin’s Creed games. Tag your photos to the #TOWCBWeeklyCapture for a chance to be featured.
1) Leap of Faith
Game: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

This week’s first capture comes from @The_LoadScreen over on Twitter.
There is definitely something poetic about Eivor performing the leap of faith from a church in Valhalla.
I love that this shot is black and white for it adds a certain grandeur, along with the church steeple.
I also particularly like how the sky is a mix of dark clouds and bright light. Even the little details in the background are impressive.
2) The Arrow
Game: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Photo number two comes from @TheChad_1978 over on Twitter.
I am always a sucker for archery captures and this one is no different. I adore the composition of this shot. The light is truly incredible, so much so it reminds me of concept art for the game. Obviously the archer won me over though, especially in that gear set with the green arrow glowing, absolutely brilliant.

3) True Assassin
Game: Assassin’s Creed Unity

This week’s third shot comes from @CoalaBR14 over on Twitter.
This shot is classic Assassin’s Creed with plenty of nostalgia. Unity still remains one of the best looking AC games around, and this capture tells you why.
The level of detail is unbelievable, the developers clearly spent a lot of time on it. If you were looking for a phone wallpaper this would be perfect.
4) Moon Night
Game: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

VP number four comes from @Brentassins over on Twitter.
Wow the colours in this shot are amazing, and the positioning is perfect. The moon shining brightly in between the clouds is the real standout.
The sparks in the sky, reflecting off the water are genius too. Most of the time great VP comes down to a balance of skill and timing, and clearly this shot has both.
5) Travelling Italy
Game: Assassin’s Creed II

The final capture of the week comes from @CreedScholars over at ACFirstCiv Community.
The final shot of the week showcases Italy at its finest. What a fantastic selection of photos with a great assortment of colours and landscapes. I am really starting to love these style of pictures as you get so much variety.
I think my favourite is the first shot as that yells AC/Ezio to me. Just imagine if they made these games today, the cities would be unbelievable.
And that sums it up for this week’s Assassin’s Creed virtual photography recap list!
Thank you for checking out this week’s photo collection. This would not be possible without the virtual photographers out there so a huge thanks to them. Until next week keep those shots coming in.
About the Author
Aaron is a passionate Assassin's Creed fan who joined our AC Partnership Program as an Online Article Writer back in 2021 after the release of Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
After building momentum and interest on TOWCB website for Virtual Photography, Aaron established TOWCB Virtual Photography Team, of which he is now Team Leader. Throughout 2024, TOWCB VP Team will be sharing community captures in dedicated articles, and providing a positive environment on Twitter for gamers to share their shots.
Aaron Young