This Week in Assassin’s Creed Virtual Photography: 23rd to 29th January 2023
Welcome to the weekly virtual photography roundup hosted by Aaron Young from The AC Partnership Program.
Every week I will be picking our top 5 favourite Assassin’s Creed shots and showcasing them on The Ones Who Came Before website, in order to promote virtual photography and talented content creators within the community.
Aaron is a keen virtual photographer and loves to post his journeys through Assassin’s Creed on Twitter.
Keep an eye on the site as more weekly shots are added, we are looking for captures across all Assassin’s Creed games.
Tag your photos to the #TOWCBWeeklyCapture for a chance to be featured.
This week’s theme: Assassin’s Creed + Ezio Legacy
1) Make the Square
Game: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
VP Artist: @Jonnybubs
First up this week we have an excellent shot of Eivor in a duel with what looks to be another Viking. I love the positioning of this capture, and how it portrays the fight. Highlighting Varin’s axe with all those amazing details is a genius move. It is also a nice touch adding the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla logo, as it makes the shot feel like a movie poster.

2) Parkour
Game: Assassin’s Creed Origins
VP Artist: @ophotongame
Photo number two is simplicity at its best. For me this shot exudes class. The silhouette of Bayek, Senu and the statues are all perfectly captured. It takes fantastic timing to catch Bayek mid jump, as it's not always easy to enter the photo mode at the right time. Origin’s parkour wasn’t too bad, but I can’t wait to see what this artist can do with Mirage.

The Ones Who Came Before Photo of the Week
Judge: Peter Strat - TOWCB Video Content Creation Team
This shot is just wonderful! Such a different type of screenshot too with the white background contrasting the focal points of the image. Excellent timing with the shot of Bayek flying gracefully through the air and Senu ever present. And if you've ever tried to take a perfect shot with one of the birds as a part of it, you'll know how much of a pain this is! :D Truly exemplifies simplicity!

3) England
Game: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Platform: Xbox
VP Artist: @Chris25551
No matter what you say about Assassin’s Creed Valhalla the scenery and the world building is top draw. If there is one VP artist who captures it brilliantly it's CBVP. This capture is from a set that are all equal in beauty. I picked this particular shot because the mist combined with the rays of light make for one stunning photo. I really like the water details here. It looks ridiculously realistic.

4) Out for a Stroll
Game: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
VP Artist: @FrameHoldPhotos
FrameHold deserves this shoutout. One for helping me put together the Ezio Legacy weekend, but also for her thoughtfully put together Ezio shots. I can instantly see the love and care that has been put into this capture. It is very Ezio, the background could easily be Italy. I must say that I am very impressed with the little details too, notably the lack of beard and that lovely shadow across Eivor’s body.

5) The Goat
Game: Assassin’s Creed II
VP Artist: @Prophets_Codex
We end this week with a classic Ezio shot from one of our new Community members. It is difficult to produce excellent shots in the older games where cameras cannot be manipulated as freely. What’s striking about this shot is Ezio’s outfit. The white pops so much, drawing your eye to every unique detail of this legendary outfit.

And that sums it up for this week’s Assassin’s Creed virtual photography recap list!
Thank you for checking out this week’s photo collection. This would not be possible without the virtual photographers out there so a huge thanks to them. Until next week keep those shots coming in!
About the Author
Aaron is a passionate Assassin's Creed fan who joined our AC Partnership Program as an Online Article Writer back in 2021 after the release of Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
After building momentum and interest on TOWCB website for Virtual Photography, Aaron established TOWCB Virtual Photography Team, of which he is now Team Leader. Throughout 2024, TOWCB VP Team will be sharing community captures in dedicated articles, and providing a positive environment on Twitter for gamers to share their shots.
Aaron Young
Thanks for the words Aaron! I'm the creator to second shot :)